
Your donations make a difference. See below how your contributions make a lifelong impact on the lives of children in pediatric hospitals.

Children’s Hospital of Colorado thanks Child’s Play and its donors

Thank you for helping us be kids.
Thank you for helping us play.
Thank you for helping us heal.


“I've seen a lot of sick children, and I have heard them laugh, I've gotten hugs, and I've had some pictures drawn for me, but I have to say that the most telling sign of joy was remembering this boy's smile as we played and achieved together.”

Read Alex's Letter


“When we couldn't be there with him, two things the hospital had available got his mind off the situation: Nintendo and movies...”

Read Alan's Letter

Dave Berry

“Our year-long struggle with her treatments and frequent hospital stays have been enriched by the time we’re able to spend with her playing games in the hospital just as we would at home (only with better games and a larger selection).”

Read Dave Berry's Letter

Lisa Warner

“The increased gift this year has opened the door to explore opportunities for using virtual reality in our practice.”

Read Lisa Warner's Letter

Renée Ethans

“We are so lucky and grateful to have supportive people like you who care about sick children. I am so grateful and impressed by your generosity and goodwill. ”

Read Renée Ethans's Letter

Game Stat with Seattle Children's

“Child's Play Game Stat was a big saving grace for me and my patients. I was working with a patient who was older and only wanted to play GTA V...”

Read Game Stat with Seattle Children's's Letter

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