Children’s Hospital of Colorado thanks Child’s Play and its donors
Thank you for helping us be kids.
Thank you for helping us play.
Thank you for helping us heal.
Your donations make a difference. See below how your contributions make a lifelong impact on the lives of children in pediatric hospitals.
Thank you for helping us be kids.
Thank you for helping us play.
Thank you for helping us heal.
“Video games didn't save my life, and I didn't have a terminal disease, but they took what could have been one of the worst experiences of my life and made it my most positive hospital-related experience to date.”
“This charity really helped my baby sister when she was at her worst and when I think how many other millions of people's younger siblings have the same story, it just makes me bawl like a little girl...”
“When we couldn't be there with him, two things the hospital had available got his mind off the situation: Nintendo and movies...”
“The DVDs donated to the Book Corner library have been greatly appreciated by children and their families. Your donation helped the library stock the newest and most popular movies... ”
“I've seen a lot of sick children, and I have heard them laugh, I've gotten hugs, and I've had some pictures drawn for me, but I have to say that the most telling sign of joy was remembering this boy's smile as we played and achieved together.”
“[The iPads] allow children who have been in car accidents to talk to their parents if/when the parents are transported to adult hospitals. You have no idea how this came as a very welcome gift for this program! ”